Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blonde goes back to work after 30 years

I'm not going to lie..... as I close in on my 50th birthday, and as I try and build my business after not formally working for 25 years, I REALLY relate to this woman!! I remember when the IBM Selectric typewriter revolutionized typing by using a ball for the type face instead of individual keys! I was in my 20's and working in Los Angeles, and I thought I was in heaven!! the typewriter could also auto erase and center the text, all with a push of a button. Boy have we have come a long way baby!

1 comment:

  1. Okay.. you made me laugh out loud! That is so funny (the You Tube video). I read about a designer who started her business after her husband died ... she was in her 50's. She is now famous ... too bad I can't remember who she is! That inspires me (I am over 50!) xo Sherri
