Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Ralph Lauren, originally uploaded by luxorium.

For me, this room is perfection. The understated elegance, the fantastic use of texture. I also can never pass up a room with cowhide and sisal, and stripes are the bomb, snakeskin....even better. This room will be the inspiration for my home. I really like how it looks collected and not decorated.

I have been a huge fan of Ralph Lauren, ever since reading about how he started his empire by selling ties out of the trunk of his car in New York. Very inspiring!

My motto has always been, do I want to lead the Hooters kind of life or the Ralph Lauren kind of life...well, I never did like chicken wings.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday’s Quote

“If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what is the significance of a clean desk?” Laurence J. Peter


I have little pockets of disorganization left in my home. Most of the bigger projects have been accomplished, such as the garage, organization of the home office files and the like. But the little pockets of disorganization annoy me on a daily bases. So… to conquer the annoying little pockets, I am committing to cleaning out one cupboard, one closet, one self a day until these pockets are finished!! So today, is the pantry. Both boys arrived home yesterday from college and that means I have to keep food in the house! and a lot of it. After a major shopping at Trader Joe’s yesterday, (and by the way even the check out girl at TJ in Albuquerque told me that “you guys in Las Cruces need to start a letter writing campaign to finally get a store in LC” duhh, we’ve been trying, I have to stay more organized in the food department.